Facilities & Methods

Inspiring Curiosity Leads To The Discovery Of Something New.



From among the near-infinite diversity of possible cannabis variations, Prūf has curated and hybridized a collection of cultivars that reflects a wide spectrum of sensory and experiential states. An understanding of Type and Terpenes helps you navigate our products and your experience.

Type and terpene vary from cultivar-to-cultivar, but you can keep track by the Prūf number. Keep track of your favorite cultivars by the Pruf Number. Every new cultivar gets its own number, so even when it’s a different batch, harvest and year, you’ll know it’s the same genetics. Every new cultivar gets its own number (i.e. Tangie Biscotti is Prūf No. 5, the fifth cultivar bred at our facility).

About Terpenes


Each unique cultivar is composed of unique terpenes, or plant essential oils, that contribute to its' rich flavor and consumer experience.

Cannabis has expressed over two hundred terpenes in varying quantities, with roughly a dozen showing up most frequently. It has been suggested that these different combinations of terpenes contribute to the different effects when consuming cannabis. This idea is supported by some preliminary evidence using cultivars with known effects (energizing vs. relaxing).

THC / CBD Ratio

While each strain has very unique and complex chemistry, the ratio of the psychoactive properties in THC and the therapeutic properties of CBD provide an initial filter for experience.

Prūf carefully formulates and tests each strain to measure the ratio to guide consistent product experience, and we denote the ratio using a simple 1, 2, 3 graphic.

THC Rich

THC-Rich strains containing low-to-zero amounts of CBD.

Mixed Ratio

Strains with a mixed ratio of THC and CBD.

CBD Rich

CBD-Rich strains containing low-to-zero amounts of THC.